martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Orain abian dagoen lan eskaintza

Ingenico Group enpresak eskaintzen duen lan eskaintza ekartzen dizut gure asignaturan ikasten duzunak bat egiten duela errealitate profesionalarekin egiaztatzeko. Lan eskaintzan agertzen diren ezagutza eta gaitasun asko gure asignaturan ikasten eta praktikatzen ari zara. Ikusi eta zabaldu, mesedez, gure graduaren ospea handitzeko. Guztion interesekoa da eta. Eskerrik asko.

Job description


Responsible for developing and implementing Group strategies in communication; promoting a positive local image; facilitating positive media, publicity, and marketing campaigns, public relations programs, special events, and fund raising efforts; responding to inquiries from the media; creating positive internal and community relations by preparing publications; and serving as a leader of the local website


  • Communication plan implementation.
  • Corporate website management, update, improvement.
  • Agency and Group coordination.
  • Elaborate, coordinate and set-up for internal and external events.
  • Reporting elaboration.
  • Marketing materials creation.
  • Collaborate on leeds generation, developers support (Marketplace).
  • Creation, implementation of new website portal (act as project management).
  • Implementation of Customer Surveys.
  • Communication Budget control.

  • Communication
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Teamwork
  • Customer Service Orientation


  • Brand and Customer Marketing
  • CRM
  • Customer Needs Analysis
Languages: English Fluent and French appreciated.
Education Qualifications: Business Administration.
Experience Requirements: 2-3 years of professional experienced required.

Seniority Level

Mid-Senior level


  • Information Technology and Services

Employment Type


Job Functions

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